Pubg new update on 24th April 2020 , Miramar 2.0,Season 13 Pubg mobile new update is coming soon on 24th April 2020.Pubg is in trend nowadays and tencent is regularly giving update to it's user for better gaming experience. The update will be of 2 gb as it will include Miramar 2.0 map. Why not Erangel 2.0??? The rumors tell us that Erangel 2.0 will be come this rumors is coming since long time but the company does not giving Erangel 2.0 because Erangel map is very famous and the most player map in pubg . The tencent company is not going to take any risk with the Erangel map because it is the core of pubg mobile and if the experiment will fail then the company will be in trouble. So they are not going to take the risk of launching Erangel 2.0 . Why giving Miramar 2.0 ?? As we know that Erangel is the most played map in pubg so they are not taking risk with Erangel and Miramar is not so much popular that's why pubg is giving boost to Miramar and doing experiment with it. ...
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